A call for Good Sportsmanship

The 2025 Kobushi Cup Karate Tournament is committed to the highest standards of sport karate and reminds every participant, including all tournament officials, coaches, athletes, parents and spectators to honor the traditions and spirit of karate-do.

The actions and behaviors from all of us, participating at this karate tournament are critical to enjoy this event with good sportsmanship and friendship.

Please remember that wining or not, generates emotions and feelings that must follow the standards good sportsmanship.

It is for that reason that we respectfully ask you as leader to be our ambassador in your organization, and encourage participants in our tournament to have a positive attitude while prizing the best effort that referees, judges and opponent teams will do.

Please support your teammates in a positive manner even if they make a mistake.

Remember all of them like you, are giving their best effort in order to follow the rules of competition.

Please accept judges and referee calls and don’t argue with officials, instead use respectfully the procedures that are in place to protest.

Thank you for your time, and effort to have a great time in our karate tournament.

Carlos Quintero

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